All People
Pin Chen
Pin Chen
atmospheric chemistry related to climate and habitability of planets within and outside our solar system, exoplanet detection, remote gas sensing, high-resolution spectroscopy

Lance Christensen
Lance Christensen
photochemistry; kinetics, dynamics and spectroscopy of molecules and radicals; transport in troposphere/stratosphere

Joseph T. Hodges
Joseph T. Hodges
atmospheric gas and aerosol sensing, spectroscopic technique development

David Long
David Long
Molecular spectroscopy, Instrument development, Cavity-enhanced techniques, Optical frequency combs, Remote sensing, Greenhouse gas monitoring, Atmospheric chemistry

David L. Osborn
David L. Osborn
Gas phase chemical dynamics and kinetics, photodissociation dynamics, time-resolved photoionization mass spectrometry, combustion chemistry, atmospheric chemistry, science education

Stan Sander
Stan Sander
Visiting Associate in Planetary Science
laboratory photochemistry; remote sensing; analysis of satellite data to understand tropospheric air quality, solar radiation and climate change

John F. Stanton
John F. Stanton
theoretical chemical physics and quantum chemistry with applications in molecular spectroscopy

Lukasz Sterczewski
Lukasz Sterczewski
Laser spectroscopy, Gas sensing, Semiconductor sources, Frequency comb generation, Ultrafast optics, Counterfeit drug detection, Signal processing, Hyperspectral imaging

Frank Winiberg
Frank Winiberg
Staff Scientist
chemical kinetics and mechanisms, laboratory studies of tropospheric and stratospheric chemistry, trace gas detection

Xu Zhang
Xu Zhang
Scientific Researcher
planetary chemistry, Martian chemistry, chemistry of organic compounds on Titan