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Okumura Group

The research activities of the Okumura group are in the areas of laser spectroscopy, kinetics, and reaction dynamics, applied to problems in atmospheric chemistry. We study atmospheric free radicals and transient intermediates in order to understand the reactions and photochemistry that are most important in the troposphere and stratosphere. Our goal is both to determine parameters of key reactions and species in the atmosphere, and to understand the chemical physics of these processes at the most fundamental level.

Interested in our science?

The Okumura group frequently collaborates with young scientists and educators through programs like SURF and WAVE as well as informal summer mentorship. We believe that passion and diversity of thought and experience produces the best science, so if you are interested please contact us!

Group News!

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Termeh has been awarded a DAAD Short-term Research Grant!

Termeh has been awarded a DAAD Short-term Research Grant!

Termeh has been awarded a DAAD Short-term Research Grant!
Megan has been awarded a NASA FINNEST Fellowship!

Megan has been awarded a NASA FINNEST Fellowship!

Megan has been awarded a NASA FINNEST Fellowship!
Megan Woods
Wen receives a NASA Postdoctoral Program fellowship!

Wen receives a NASA Postdoctoral Program fellowship!

Congrats Wen!
Wen successfully defends his thesis!

Wen successfully defends his thesis!

On May 13th, Wen presented his thesis titled "Spectroscopy and Kinetics of Reactive Intermediates in the Atmosphere of Venus: The Catalytic Role of Chlorine Atoms." Congratulations, Wen!
Megan Passes Candidacy!

Megan Passes Candidacy!

Megan passes her candidacy exam, making her officially a PhD candidate!
Megan Woods
We welcome our newest graduate student, Zach!

We welcome our newest graduate student, Zach!

First year graduate student Zach Auvil joins the Okumura group.
Wen passes his propositions exam!

Wen passes his propositions exam!

Congratulations, Wen!
Greg starts a postdoc at the University of Florida!

Greg starts a postdoc at the University of Florida!

Greg started a postdoc in John Stanton's group at the University of Florida.
Photo of Greg
Greg successfully defends his thesis!

Greg successfully defends his thesis!

On September 19th, Greg presented his thesis, "From Venus to Mars: Spectroscopy and Kinetics of Reactive Intermediates in Planetary Atmospheres." Congratulations, Greg!
Photo of Greg
Doug Graduates!

Doug Graduates!

On June 1st, Doug presented his thesis, "Laser Spectroscopy of Hydrocarbons for Applications in Atmospheric and Space Science."
doug better
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